Thursday, May 27, 2010

June is a Jam Packed Activity Month in Jerusalem; Take Advantage

You are winding down, filled with mixed emotions-sad to leave but excited about what lies ahead. This is the time also to take advantage of the great happenings in Jerusalem. What a great way to have a last "chill" with friends:
Here are some ideas:
1. On Wed June 2nd walk down to Agron St. and watch the agricultural parade. Kibbutzniks from all over the country come-what fun.

2. The Book Fair-"Shavua Sefer" begins next week in Gan Hapaamon. Get that last bargain before you go home. Meet authors and see what is out there.

3. The Israel Festival-great things happening for free both in the plaza of the Jerusalem Theatre and in Mamilla. Meet your friends for coffee this Friday afternoon and hear some classical music.

Send us your thoughts.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

End of the Year Closure

It is hard to believe that many of you will be going home in just a few weeks. Last night I attended a Barnard Alumni Event with over 30 young women, who deferred their admission to Barnard to spend the year in Israel. Dean Denburg, Dean of Barnard reported that 7% of the incoming Barnard class has spent the year in Israel-astounding! And how welcoming the Dean is of these young women, to the point of traveling to Israel to meet with each of them and help ease their transition.
And that is what closure is about-Looking Back and Moving Forward. This is time for you to reflect upon your year in Israel. It is a time to think about what you gained from your year in Israel. What will you be able to carry with you during the coming year. Some of you will be attending secular colleges and won't have the opportunity to study Torah so many hours each day. This is the time to think about what you can work into your schedule-even if its 5 minutes!
Daniella and I would love to hear about some of your reflections of your year and what you plan to take with you as you move ahead.


Monday, May 3, 2010


It is hard to believe that the year is coming to a close and many of you will be returning to your homes and going on to the next phase of your lives. But there is still much to enjoy in this great city of Jerusalem! Next week will mark the 43rd anniversary of the reunification of the City of Jerusalem- there are lots of celebrations. Festivities begin on Tuesday night May 11th with learning, singling and dancing at Yeshivat Mercaz Harav in Kiryat Moshe. During the wee hours of the morn, hundreds of young people will dance to the kotel and daven shacharit.
Later in the afternoon of May 12th, thousands of youth from around the country will converge upon Jerusalem. They will march down Agron St. toward the Old City-every gate will be open and people will come from all sides and finally meet at the kotel- a site not to be missed.

Look forward to dancing with you

Debra and Daniella