Being in Israel for the Shalosh Regalim (the 3 festivals, Sukkot, Pesach and Shavuot) is very exciting-you can feel the holiday spirit and preparation in the air. It can also be anxiety provoking, especially this time of year, when most seminaries and yeshivot close their doors on Rosh Chodesh Nissan until a week after Pesach. If you are one of the lucky students who will be remaining in Israel for Pesach-to experience the "aliya l'regel" during chol hamoed, you are also a bit concerned about what you will be doing for the 2 weeks prior to pesach-when the dorm empties out and there is no real plan in place for you.
Here is a list of some of the volunteer programs that will be happening during chodesh nissan:
L'vnot u'Lhibanothas a fabulous volunteer opportunity for you. They are looking for volunteers to help homebound elderly prepare for Pesach. Contact Matan at 052-429-5379 for details.
2.As part of the special consulting team for Israel's National Emergency Management Authority, Isracare personnel teach Israeli Home Front Command units and rescue teams around the world how to deal with multi-casualty events. They have vast field experience in mass casualty events, both in Israel and abroad.They were also sent by the Israeli foreign ministry to Mumbai, helped out in the aftermath of Katrina disaster, and recently returned to Israel after coordinating search and rescue in Haiti. In short, they are recognized as the best in the world at what they do.
This training is different from a basic first-aid course. It will be geared toward developing essential skills necessary for search and rescue and coping with mass casualty incidents; it will combine:
· Classroom and Hands-on EMS (Emergency Medical Services) instruction
· Deep study of the halachot involved with EMS work
· Field drills, Dynamic simulations, Hiking, and Rappelling.
The participants will learn and challenge themselves through the application of critical-thinking skills to multiple field scenarios. The seminar is designed to teach contingency planning and to develop life-saving and life preservation skills.
If you have not made plans for Bein HaZmanim yet, this program is a special way to contribute to Klal Yisrael. Please see Isracare's website at and ZAKA's website at for more information about the organizations. To register please send an e-mail to
3. The organization
Ezer Mizion has many volunteer opportunities available during this month-whether it is helping out in a soup kitchen or working with homebound elderly to get ready for Pesach. Please contact Ruchama at 02-537-2437.
4. Isracare in conjunction with Zaka is offering a week long training course. Isracare/Zaka Bein Hazmanim Training Program is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday March 23st through Friday March 26th. The price for the course is $695.00 US.
Please note that they can only run the course if we have enough students (around 45), so please keep in touch with them directly at
contact us at for more details about this program.
We recommend that you let your yeshiva/seminary know that you will be in Israel for Pesach. Some of the yeshivot are organizing special tiyulim and programs for the students who are staying around and also making sure that they have a place to go for meals during Pesach.
Encourage your child to talk with friends and family and yeshivot early on-don't wait for the last minute and then be stuck with no plan!!! There is a lot to do and see and a great time to be in Israel so enjoy!!!!